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Scott M. Weber returns from the World Economic Forum, Davos

1 février, 2012
Est. Reading: 2 minutes
Crédit photo : Interpeace

Interpeace Director-General, Scott M. Weber, joined world leaders, the business community and civil society as they tackled the most pressing issues that need to be addressed to improve the state of the world.

Titled: ‘The Great Transformation: Shaping New Models’, Scott joined over 2500 attendees in the Swiss Alps last week.

With 1.5 billion people currently living in fragile and conflict affected areas, the need to include the peacebuilding point of view was very well received. Scott joined an impressive line-up of politicians, academics, civil society, and business leaders.

A week of back to back, one on ones, and interactive sessions were the perfect environment to hammer out new ways of thinking, and new models for our future.

“I had the opportunity to gather critical decision makers on some of our most challenging issues, gather knowledge and create opportunities that would not have been conceivable without fellow attendees all being in one place at one time” explained Scott. “No walk across town, no train ride was without meeting interesting people, a focused discussion and yet another opportunity to share the Interpeace approach and perspective on the global and regional issues our society is now facing.”

The 2012 Forum was also the year the Forum’s latest community, ‘The Global Shapers’ was introduced to the wider group. Individuals aged between 20 and 30, with great leadership potential, were also present for the first time. This new community was vibrant participants in the discussions. As curator of the Geneva Hub, Scott was proud that three Shapers from his community attended and participated on high level panels.

‘I’ve returned energized, full of new ideas and with a wide range of opportunities.” concludes Scott.